Well after yesterdays fun and games in Reno we went tosee Lake Tahoe to revitalise our hung over bodies by having a dip. Tahoe is a lake nestled at the top of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, its gorgeous.

Crystal clear waters with sandy beaches surrounded by snow capped mountains. Something else. The only problem was it was a bit cold and windy even though the sun was out so we chickened out of swimming. We headed on down to the town of state line, your last chance to gamble in Nevada, where there were 5 or 6 big casino complexes to look around, that was fun, Alex won $16 on blackjack.
We arrived back in Carson in the middle of the afternoon to meet Steves parent who had just arrived in from Puerto Rico after spending a month out in Peru perusing the acient Inca ruins of Machu Pechu. It sounds like they had a fabulous time. They were extremlely hospitable and lovely and it was a pleasure to meet them. I know what I'd be like if I came home after a month to find 2 strange foreigners in my house, but they were delighted. We all had a good long interesting chat over pizzas which they kindly ordered in.
Heres a nice shot of steve and his parents:

After dinner we headed back out to Reno again. Well we had such a good time the day before we thought what the hell, we still got time to spare. The night started out around Steves friend Shaun's house with Casey (a real funny kid), Katie (the gorgeous girl we met the night before) then we headed to the biggest dive in Reno, an 'Irish' bar which I can't remember the name of where we drank some JaggerBlasters (drop a shot of Jaggermeister in the shot glass into a red bull and down it, it's good give it a go) and bloody marys.
We then headed to a bar called the Polo Club. This is when thing got real surreal. I mean we had as much chance of getting abducted by aliens as what happened here. First impressions of the place were wow this is classy. There was a pleasant smell in the air, not your typical bar smell. They served chicken wings in a crockpot and it all look nice a sophisticated. There was another party of guys in there about 5 or 6 of them sitting at the other side of the bar, they all looked like business men, much older than us. Well it wasn't long before Alex got talking to one of them called Rusty after winding them up a little. We had quite a talk about politics and especially the Isreal/Palistine conflict and American foriegn policy to which we found we very much agreed on the major issues. Anyway he told me not to worry about drinks he'd get them to which i was thankful. Then he started talking about the $75 whiskey he was drinking, you know how smooth it was and said 'hey you get one'. Well I felt a bit awkward but couldn't refuse such an offer, hell when does a student ever get to drink classy like that? Well soon all the other guys were chatting with him and his compatriots and having laugh. We had a real good time till about three. Rusty picked up our tab which was amazing, as by that time there were quite a few of those beautiful whiskeys on there and a shot of Louis XV congac (over $100 a shot). What a guy! It then transpired that our hotel accomodation had fell through as it was getting late and it was fully booked so I asked Rusty if he knew of any hotels that might be still taking guests. 'Not to worry' says Rusty 'leave it to me'. So he gets on his phone and rings round then says 'lets go'. So we hop in his car and drive down to the Nugget casino in Sparks where it transpired they didn't actually have any rooms, or so the women said. However Rusty it seems has a corporate account with them. You should have seen her face when he mention that, she took a completely different tack. Anyway he got us two luxury suites, complete with hot tub baths which were huge. I think the cost was something like $350/night/room. Now to add to this abundant generousity he added in room service food for us all.
Rusty, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. That was one of the best most surreal nights ever. AWESOME