Thursday, April 28, 2005

Amusement every day

Along the trip we have encountered many funny place names, road names and shop names. We dont have the time to stop and get photos of them, but we thought it was worth mentioning a few that have brought smiles to our faces.

Bumpass - A village in Virginia.
Poor Bottom - A village in virginia with a name we can both relate to.
Fenchman Knob - errrr - A mountain in Kentucky.
Knoblick - Another mountain in Kentucky.
Paintlick - A village in Kentucky.

I think thats about the top five anyway.

Can you believe that somebody actually asked us if we were from France!?!

When we told a girl in McDonalds that we were from England she said "oh, so you don't have to speak another language to visit England then" I said "yes England=English like France=French like Spain=Spanish" then she asked "so what language do they speak in Paris. You have to worry sometimes.....

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At 5:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhhhh!!!!!!! that picture could cause PERMANENT DAMAGE



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