Monday, June 13, 2005

Saturday 4/06/05

Awoke in the sweltering desert heat and headed off to Carson City for brunch. Our intention today was to get halfway up Carson Pass which takes us over the Sierra Nevada mountains and camp, but after stuffing ourselves in Carson City with all you can eat fish and chicken at Long John Silvers we decided to take a day off in Carson as we had plenty of time spare and it seemed like a cool town. We went bar hunting and found a strange little place called Lucky's or something like that. Played pool there for a while with two miners called Terry & Gilbert they were both totally drunk and after a while declared they were off to the 'Bunny Ranch' for some fun. We left them to that and went off to find another bar that might be a bit more lively. Stumbled across a small backstreet bar called Mo & Sluggos and headed in for more beer. There we sat at the bar and got chatting with the barman Steve. Steve was one cool guy and he'd done loads of travelling himself. He was just knocking off work so we bought him a beer and sat with him to chat. He told us that he was off to Reno that night to meet friends and party and wondered if we wanted to join him - of course we did! Reno was a 2 day round trip for us if we were to ride, so a lift over there was ace. We met some of his friends Katie, Torrey and Shaun. Went to 4 different bars and a huge casino complex. Had a total blast - danced and drank and laughed all night. It was one of the best nights we'd had in ages. We had a camera with us that night too, so we'll have scans of some truly awesome and hilarious photos soon. You the man Steve...


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