Saturday 2/4/05
Left Jamestown about 9.00am just in time. It looked a bit miserable when we got up but oh boy we did not know what we were in for. After a couple of miles the rain started heavily, which was ok we thought as we were fully waterproofed up. Were we wrong about that. We reached a plantation called sherwood forest and it belted it down with a force we have never seen in our lives. It was so bad that cars were parking up because they couldnt see, we couldnt even look up because the rain was like a pressure hose on our faces, it hurt!! But what did we do? We ploughed on for about 45 miles in the deluge. We stopped for lunch in a random gas station in the middle of nowhere where we realised that not only were we soaked to the bone but all our kit was too. Fortunely it stopped raining for the remaining 30 odd miles we had to do, but unfortunatly when we reached the campsite feeling miserable and dejected we realised that the propane out here did not fit the stove we brought so we went hungry with nowt but cheese and stale bread (no marge even). - A crap day!
Thought i'd include this cheeky snap of alex realising that the stove wouldn't fit the propane bottle and therefore no hot dinner. A classic.
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