Tuesday 12/4/05
Breaks interstate park is beautiful, the scenery spectacular.
From the resturant (which we ate a collosal breakfast) we could see ravines carved out of the mountains by the erosion of the river through sedimentary rock all topped with forestry. When we can find a computer which can support Marks camera we will update the photos again and you can all see what I mean.
Anyhow after 4 miles of downhill from the campsite we reached the Kentucky border (One state down eight to go!)then the heavens opened and we were caught in a rainstorm all the way to our next destination Pippa Passes 60 miles away. Fortunately we landed on our feet there because we stayed in a youth hostel, which was actually and old couples house who were living with their 20 year old grand daughter. This couple (Ed and Charlotte) had done the extended Trans Am ride the first time it was done in the summer of 1976 on the bicentenial of American independance with another 4000 cyclists. We were the first people they had had through this year so we had the hostel to ourselves which was very cosy, we could get dry and not have to put the tent up in the wet and could get all our clothing dry. We even had cable TV, all of this for $7.25 each. Nice!
WooHoo the 2nd state Kentucky!
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